We are here to present the best food we can in the most enjoyable environment possible, unpretentiously and honestly.
Food and menus are derived from both the wines that have been brought in and their flavour profiles as well as what is seasonally and, as much as possible, locally and organically available.
Food is sourced from caretakers of the land and their products who employ ethical practices and demonstrate excellence in their product. We aim to spend our food dollars among a diverse group of farmers and to partner with them in a symbiotic relationship.
All Staff are welcome to put forth ideas for food. Cooks are strongly and actively encouraged to be bold in presenting ideas to the group, knowing any dishes that are not accepted for the menu still provide a learning opportunity for all.
Playfulness is encouraged in idea-making, going outside of the “norm” of using classic dishes. Technique and flavour combination are the wheels and engine of the odd duck operation. We want to break out of convention when thinking about food. We are not here to do “our version” of a dish. We are not here to steal ideas and cultures.
Because we are all here to make our restaurant as good as it can be, we speak about others' work and creativity with love. This means that criticism of menu items is constructive, respectful, and compassionately honest. We assume that others speak from a place of love.
Final food decisions will be made by the co-chefs in consultation with the Staff, with the co-chefs taking into consideration Staff feedback while balancing the overall vision and direction of the food-and-pairing program as well as cost/benefit ratios and saleability.
We recognize that we are all human. Human nature is full of faults and flaws. While all of our conduct policy is meant to shape our space and to be firm, we also make space for forgiveness. There will be times when all of us will fail to uphold one or more of the policies. These occurrences and how we move forward from them define us. The key is moving forward. In situations where reparation, communication, and healing are possible, we aim to pursue avenues of healing over and before avenues of punishment. If avenues of healing are unable to be effective, we will be decisive in action to prevent further harm.
While we have chefs, no one is to be called “chef” as if it is their name. This nomenclature subconsciously dehumanises the relationship we have with our colleagues. We address each other by preferred names and proper pronouns as expressed by each team member.
While emotion and stress are inevitable in a restaurant work environment, as a team we endeavour to speak to and about each other in love. Gossip and bad-mouthing are not acceptable forms of behaviour when it comes to our Staff team. Differences and conflict can be resolved through direct communication with each other, or mediation by Management where necessary. The goal we strive for is a high level of trust and care for each other. This is achieved by compassionate honesty, clear communication, and listening to understand.
There will also be times we will “agree to disagree” on certain subjects and that is perfectly acceptable; diversity of thought is part of our human existence.
Racist, sexist, oppressive, misogynistic, religious discrimination, and anti LGBTQ2SIA+ language and behaviour are not acceptable in our space. We are a space that will continue to learn, strive to unlearn, and uplift all of those we come into contact with to the best of our abilities. Guests and Staff who exhibit discriminatory behaviours will be asked to leave the premises immediately and may return if and when they are willing to refrain from these actions and language.
Staff members will be subject to conversations with the Ownership in regards to the behaviour with disciplinary actions a strong consideration.
Communication between colleagues is to be kept respectful, and courteous.
This is a team environment. This means that if one member is struggling, the rest of the team lifts them up and comes alongside them. Standard practices include helping with other team members’ assigned duties, having their back, and watching out for them. We do not employ a “sink or swim” mentality. Every effort will be made to support a team member who may be struggling with their workload. In consultation with management the action plan for support. This action plan can include, but is not limited to, mental health breaks, time off, tailored communication for learning styles, mentorship, and striving to meet their needs. Action plans are to be approved by management before implementation.
Mistakes in service and prep are going to happen. This is a space where we strive to be our best; however we use the lens that none of us is perfect. Errors in judgement, cooking, service, etc are treated as learning opportunities. When mistakes happen, the most important lesson we take away from that situation is to determine the best course of action forward from that moment. How do we address or fix the issue to continue our work well? Shaming is never okay. If we do things like overcook the occasional steak, misorder an item, drop a dish from time to time these are the natural consequences of working in a restaurant.
The goal is that we learn to be able to think on our feet and adjust our actions to remedy a situation faster when mistakes inevitably happen.
There are of course situations that will require more action, such as habitual disregard of safety, standards, or larger scale situations may require further conversations. Please see Disciplinary Action Policy for procedures in these circumstances.
We work on a no-tipping system. This means that we charge at a higher rate for both food and drinks and that we pay our Staff at a rate above the current living wage for our region. We refer to this as a thriving wage.
If a guest wishes to leave extra money at the end of their meal, there is an option on the POS for a donation to a charity or organization that has been designated. Staff are welcome to suggest organizations that align with the ethos of odd duck. Similarly, if cash is left on the table as a tip, odd duck’s policy is that this money be deposited to the same fund. Taking this money for ourselves would be considered theft from a charity and would be dealt with accordingly by Management. Please govern yourself accordingly. We work on the honour system for cash left behind; we are public about our donations and the accounting is transparent.
The odd duck Staff room is to be used to store personal belongings only during the duration of shifts. Lockers may be used to store work-related items outside of work hours if Staff so desire. Work-related items that may be stored include (but are not limited to): knives, personal work tools, shoes, uniform, personal hygiene products, personal appearance products, etc. We ask that you not leave other items in the restaurant overnight if possible. odd duck is not liable for theft or loss of property due to storing items at work. Illegal substances are not to be stored in lockers or on your person while working. Should illegal items be discovered by Management, the Disciplinary Action Policy will determine next steps.
This policy addresses how odd duck will respond to situations such as (but not limited to):
Sexual Harassment/Abuse
Physical Endangerment
Psychological Endangerment
Unapologetic and/or habitual Racist/Sexist/Homophobic/Ableist actions and/or speech.
Because odd duck is a place of reconciliation first, we have added some steps to what a typical disciplinary action policy might contain. We will endeavour to maintain the following steps unless circumstances dictate otherwise.
Staff have the right to request an impartial witness to any and/or all of the following steps.
Management and/or Ownership will address the issue in question in private with the Staff member. This meeting will consist of a quest to understand the behaviour in question and will explore the situations surrounding the questionable behaviour. Based on the results of this conversation, management and/or ownership will discuss next steps privately unless a mutually acceptable solution is presented within this first meeting. The meeting will be documented in the Staff member’s file and this document will be signed by both the Staff member and Management/Ownership. If the Staff member does not wish to sign this document, the conversation and the Staff’s choice will be noted in the documentation by a witness.
In the event that the actions in question are a direct or indirect result of the work environment, Management and/or Ownership will consult with the Staff member on the best practice to accommodate the shortcomings of the work environment. An action plan will be documented and reviewed on a consistent basis (frequency to be determined within this consultation time) by both parties until the matter is deemed resolved. Revisiting/revamping of the action plan may also take place to accommodate changing needs, unforeseen realities that cause the action plan to be ineffective, etc. This action plan may also include outside resources (i.e., direction to services, counselling, public health, etc.) Accommodations will be documented alongside the original Communication steps in the Staff member’s file, and will be signed by both parties as per the steps above in Communication.
In the event that behaviour in question is not fully addressed by Accommodation, Management and/or Ownership will seek steps of reparation and healing. These steps will be determined on a case-by-case basis. This may look like (but not be limited to) session(s) of listening to an injured party to understand harm done, apologies issued, demonstration of changed behaviour, acknowledgement of wrongdoing, continued communication in regards to the questioned behaviour, demonstrable willingness to learn about harms caused, positive actions to counterbalance harms done, etc. Reparation and Healing steps will be documented in the Staff member’s file and will be signed by both parties as per Communication procedure above.
If the above steps do not address the behaviour in question, Management and/or Ownership will take the following actions (provided that the behaviour in question is deemed to be legal and does not endanger the mental or physical well-being of humans in the odd duck space):
* All of the above steps will be registered as a verbal warning
* Staff member will receive a written warning of their potential for termination of employment as a result of the continuation of the previously addressed behaviours. This written warning will be signed by both parties and a witness, or in the case of the Staff member being unwilling to sign, by Management/Ownership and a witness. Timeline for expectations and review will be included in the written warning.
* Further occurrences of the behaviour, or failure to show improvement as outlined in the written warning will result in immediate termination of employment. All owing wages will be deposited as per the regular payment schedule of wages and any remaining documentation will be mailed to the last known address of the Staff member at the appropriate times (i.e. T4 after the end of the income tax year)